Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Health Solution

The most important factor for all living organism is to have a healthy body throughout their life time. Human being is more conscious about their health. They didn’t have proper guidance in order to maintain their body here I am going to give 25 tips in order to maintain healthy body throughout the life time.

1. Lifting weights twice a week to increase your muscle mass. This muscle burns more calories, even when not in use. Go to the gym, buy some weights for your home, take a walk with a water bottle in your pocket or go to Rock weight training.

2. Care for your heart and lungs active in at least 30 minutes per day. This can be divided into more than once, and then do 2 x 15 minutes walk.

3. Eat small amounts of good fats: avocado, oily fish oil / flaxseed oil, nuts and seeds, they will care for your cardiovascular system (heart, blood vessels and arteries). Eat less fat BAD: fried food, meat, cakes, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, butter, this will damage your cardiovascular system and make you fat. Remove all hydrogenated fats from your diet, they are very bad for you and hide in many finished biscuits, cakes, chips, puddings, candies, chocolate. These fats are very harmful to your health. Avoiding them will help to prevent foods high in fat, salt and sugar and few nutrients. Check the labels.

4. Protein makes you feel full, and will help muscles recover after exercise. Try sourcing proteins of skinless chicken, tofu, legumes (beans and peas) and fatty fish like salmon, fresh tuna and mackerel, contain other useful ingredients and are low in bad saturated fats.

5. Make sure you eat carbohydrates, they help you to exercise and burn fat, but eat Slow Burn carbohydrates such as oats (porridge), instead of white bread, brown rice, honey instead of sugar, brown pasta, lentils, vegetables, legumes. To lose body fat, then replace half of your carbohydrates with steamed vegetables on your dinner.

6. Drink more water, the body often sends the same signal for thirst as hunger. Drink water as the first in the morning and during the day, especially during and after exercise. Cut down on tea and coffee, avoid watering beverages.

7. Eat some fruit and drink water instead of drinking fruit juices that are high in calories, and difficult to digest.

8. Watch out for sports drinks. Unless you are training very hard, one bottle of sports drink can replace all the calories you burned in your company. Take a bottle of water instead.

9. Keep an eye on your drink? Alcohol and mixers are high in calories.

10. Not hungry, which will result in you eating the wrong things. Carry healthy snacks wherever you go, bananas, apples, rice cakes, dried fruits and nuts (easy to self). Hunger can be caused by boredom or lack of stimulation. Take a walk or a stroll around the garden, or doing the vacuuming. Eat 5 small meals per day instead of 3 large.

11. Watch your portion sizes; they are generally larger than they needed. If a smaller proportion will leave you hungry, add a large spoonful of steamed broccoli, cauliflower or other vegetables.

12. Eat your breakfast. In tests, people who have breakfast lose more weight than those who do not. You cannot run effectively and reach your potential without good food.

13. Do not go shopping when you’re hungry. When you write a list and stick to, not tempted by the bargains on food that you know are bad for you.

14. Look at the ingredients on everything you buy. Look at the total fat and what kind of fat to avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated fats, because they are associated with the development of cardiovascular disease. Look at the calories and the amount of salt you'll eat.

If you some time to prepare meals with fresh ingredients, you will improve your health, and probably cut down on fat, as most prepared foods high in fat and salt.

15. Beware-fat labels simply means that the less fat than the original stuff. (For example, reduced fat mayonnaise is still 50 grams of fat per 100 grams, very high in fat). These foods are still often high in sugar, fat and calories, and you can eat more of them, because they seem healthy. Do not buy reduced-fat cookies and cakes, but eating healthier and getting used to the fact that life is ok without those things.

16. Fill the house with no chips, crackers and sweets for the children, it is not good for them and wants encourage you to snack on them. Try the whole family to eat healthier, it will help to obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes to prevent your children when they are your age, gift them with a long life.

17. Stock up on healthy food. Write a list of tasty healthy things you might forget what you love and make sure that the cupboards full of them, cherry tomatoes, baked beans on whole meal bread, kiwis, mango's, etc

18. Make your lunch and take it to work. Buy whole grain breads and canned salmon and tuna, it only takes a few minutes to make a sandwich and pick up a piece of fruit. Even a sandwich shop will be full of fat and low in nutrients. Hold the mayo on tuna!

19. Watching less television: it will be less likely to sip more time to exercise, or organize your next day. The organization is the key to making your lifestyle healthier.

20. Motivate yourself to change your lifestyle and that of your family. Set an example for the kids that mom and dad are fit and active and healthy. Take them hiking, biking, walking to the shops, and swimming. Take them to a local gym for football, basketball or dancing. Our children need our help if they are to the growing epidemic of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes and other lifestyle-related diseases. Change their eating habits; you can only do them good.

21. If you buy one workout video to do at home instead of watching TV. Choose yoga or pilates, aerobics or stability ball. There is a wide range of offers, talk to me for help. Buy yourself a healthy lifestyle magazine for motivation, recipes and exercises to do at home.. Buy yourself a healthy diet or low-fat cookbook for ideas.

22. Remember a few treats and fun, the life, for life, is healthy should be fun to, not a chore.

23. Slow down, stop running around, becoming more organized and give time to eat, exercise and enjoy life in general.

24. Take time to relax. You need a lower stress level to stay healthy, exercise, yoga and Pilates can help you do this, and then a hot bath by candlelight.

25. Make physical activity and healthy eating a normal and enjoyable part of every day in your life. You'll live longer, protects your health of children and a happier, healthier person.

I hope this gives you some motivation to change your life in small and large benefits. Until next time,

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