Friday, February 6, 2009

RSS Feed and Email Subscriptions

I would like to discuss RSS feed and email subscriptions. In this post I am not really going to answer which choice is better, but I just want to say that in some cases email subscriptions might be a better choice. WE have to admit that most blogs focus on RSS feeds and RSS subscribers a lot deal more than on email subscriptions. This is probably due to the fact that RSS subscriptions are very convenient, and are more and more popular.

So why would anyone not want to be an RSS subscriber, but rather prefer to subscribe by email? The answer is that many Internet users simply didn’t learn yet about RSS feeds, and might not know how to subscribe to a feed or use RSS feed readers. This post is especially directed at blogs which deal with non-technical topics.

I think it is important to remember that some people do not know everything when it comes to more technologically advanced stuff like RSS feeds. It is crucial to take that into account if your blog is in a niche that includes a lot of people who are non-technologically oriented. Offering various ways to subscribe to your blog posts is a great way to increase the number of readers you have.

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